Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My First Skype Call!

I talked to my aunt Nicole and uncle Darren last night through the computer. THIS is the best thing ever!! I was able to see them and they could see me... magic! Mommy was there with me to boost me up so I could see them and reach the keyboard. I can't wait to do this again soon!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'...

Well folks... I finally decided I was going to start moving around a bit- exploring my territory. I'm going to start this out slow. I've also decided that I'm going to do everything backwards.

I heard my doctor telling mommy and daddy about how babies roll over (this immediatly peaked my interest)... he said they usually roll from their tummy first. A couple of weekends ago I was feeling pretty energetic in my young age and was laying on my back. While mommy and daddy weren't looking I decided to pull a fast one and pushed my feet and whoop! There I went- I flipped right over and landed on my tummy. This got their attention so I flipped back to my back. They just went on and on clapping their hands. Since then I haven't stopped. It's lots of fun to roll around. Wow it's a lot of work though. I makes me really sleepy!

Some other new developments in my world- my mouth hurts!! It feels like something is pushing on my gums and I just cry about this. After a little while of crying about this mommy puts something on my gums that numbs it and then it feels really good. They keep saying that I'm going to be eating real food soon- I'll have to keep you posted on this one as I get more information.

OH! I almost forgot- update on the floors. I found out that Marley didn't actually pee in the floor... something happened and there was water everywhere. We got new floors now yayay!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What a Mess...

I think Marley peed in the floor. Something happened at my house and made the floor all wet!! I bet it was that dog. Daddy tried to get it up with a really loud machine but then there were other people at my house ripping up the floor!! Something weird is going on here and I want to get to the bottom of this but I can't see over my crib!!

Right now we are at Grandmothers and Mommy is washing clothes. I'll have to post more on this later when I figure out what is going on!

My bum hurts!

Tuesday started out as a normal day for me. I had a bottle, diaper change and a car ride- you know the usual. Where we ended up at was certainly not Grandmothers! I had to see the doctor again. They took my clothes off and put me on this thing that tells me how much I weigh and how long I am. The nurse said I was 10lbs and 11oz and I am 22 inches tall. Mommy and Daddy were very excited about this for some reason but I am continuing to watch my girlish figure!

The doctor came in and looked me over and then I snuggled with Mommy until another lady came in the room. They laid me on a table and gave me some kind of liquid candy and told me it would keep me from getting sick later. It wasn't very tasty at all! Then all of a sudden that lady took something and poked me with it! All I could think to do was scream! I had never felt anything that hurt that bad ever!!! She did that to me 4 more times! I didn't like her very much after that and I hope I don't see her again! Finally Mommy came to the rescue and wrapped me up and held me tight. My legs hurt so bad after that. We finally left that terrible place and Daddy took me to see Grandmother.

She took care of me all day. Mostly I was so sleepy and just napped. I got to sleep in my Granny's arms for a while and then swung in the swing. Finally Mommy came to take me home and gave me some more liquid candy. This time it tasted different- it was good and it made me feel a lot better!

I hope I never have to do that again I was so upset- but so were Mommy and Daddy! Until next time...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Yesterday was my mommy's first Mother's Day! I tried so hard to be a good girl and not give her any problems. Me and daddy got her a card and daddy signed it for me since I'm not very good at holding things in my hands yet. She is going to get a massage soon for her present. She keeps saying how when I was in her tummy I caused her back problems... ooopsie!!

We went to go see my grandmothers too! First we went to see gammie... or nonnie... (she hasn't decided what to call herself yet)and Grandpaw. We went to this big place where everyone was eating and talking. It was so bright and loud. Everyone held me and snuggled me tight! This was my first time to an eating place- I can't wait until I can eat big people food!!

Later we went to Grandmother and PawPaw's house- I like it there! I got lot's of hugs and kisses while I was there! Pawpaw is so silly I just laugh and laugh at him- he always makes me smile. I got to swing in the breeze and even got some kisses from Chico! He is like Marley only smaller!

Anyway- I think I was pretty good... I hope my mommy had a good mothers day!

I hear mommy and daddy talking about my doctors appointment I have to go to tomorrow... I need to pay attention to that so this is all for now!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

What a Bright World This Is!!

Since I came out of my mommy's tummy lot's of things have been happening!! But we will start from when the lights came on.

When I was born the doctor said I weighed 8lbs 11oz and everyone seemed so surprised!! I just kept on growing- I was trying to tell mommy by all the kicking around I was doing- I was running out of room in there! There were so many people looking at me and poking around all I could think to do was cry. This was all so very different from what I was used to. The air was sooo cool and soon I was wrapped up and a nurse took me to my mommy and daddy. I remembered those familiar voices.

Soon the room was filled with more big people. Some of the voices I recognized and that made me feel safe. Everyone talked about how much I looked like my daddy! They all said that we had the same feet. I also heard a lot of talk about all this hair on my head- I kept on trying to tell mommy I was going to have lots by all the indigestion I was giving her! We stayed in this bright place for a few days and soon me and mommy were whisked away and into what I now know as the car. I was so very tired after my first few days out of mommy's tummy and fell asleep.

When I awoke I heard more and more familiar sounds. It seemed like home. It was nice and warm and not as bright as that other place. I have my own protector here too. He is big and brown and his name is Marley. He always comes to check on me to make sure I am okay. I soon figured out that when I started to cry someone would put a bottle in my mouth or change my diaper and so far this has worked to my advantage. I have even started using this technique for other things too- like when I want to snuggle!

For the first few weeks I had lots of visitors. My grandparents would come and see me and sometimes even stay over night and take care of me while mommy and daddy got their rest. My cousins and aunts and uncles would come to see me and hold me. I think that was my favorite part- being held!

After a few weeks went by I got tired of that same ol' food and started spitting it back out. It was yucky and that was the only way I knew to let them know I didn't like it. We went to see the doctor and he changed my food. Hooray I thought! After tasting it- it tasted the same. I continued to spit it out... next thing I know they had me back in that bright place after not eating for what seemed like forever, under some kind of machine that took pictures of my insides! They put something else in my food that makes it a little harder to spit out so I give up on this one... for now.

I got to spend a lot of time with my mommy while my daddy had to go to work. I would cry and she would change my diaper and feed me and we would nap. Sometimes Grandmother or Gammy would come over and take care of me and mommy and we always had lots of fun. They would hold me and feed me and rock me to sleep. That is another one of my favorites- rocking!

Recently things have been very different. I haven't been seeing my mommy as much. We get into the car in the mornings and ride for a while. Most of the time I fall asleep and wake up at Grandmothers. She takes care of me all day. Sometimes we go for a car ride and I fall asleep again. I just can't resist that. Then after a while mommy comes to take me home and we do it all again.